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Immitation is the Sincerest form of Flattery

This song, "Blame it on the Pop" was posted December 27th, 2009. DJ Earworm, the creator, posted this as a representation of the most popular and prominent songs of 2009, combining both the song and the videos of the songs. The song has gained popularity through news articles, and even postings on Facebook. Blame it on the Pop has over 30,000,000 views on Youtube, and has been heard on the radio and even in clubs.
What are some common themes you see between popular mashups/remixes? Do you think people see this as a completely separate song, or as a combination of songs (so not a new and original creation?


JEB said...

I think the DJ deserves a lot of credit for this song and video. Both took an immense amount of creativity to make, and this mashup/remix should be treated as the DJ's original creation. I think that this mashup stands out from the thousands of others online because it uses so many different samples and I really like how it follows a "pop songs from 2009" theme. DJ Earworm also deserves a pat on the back for taking all of the songs I was entirely sick of hearing on the radio, and turning them into something enjoyable.

Shelby Sampson said...

First off- loved it. I'm usually not a big fan of song remixes such as this one, I feel they tend to take away from the original and just get on my nerves. With that being said, I was sure that I wasn't going to think of this song as an original, as something new or creative. But watching it really changed my mind.
The amount of intricacy that is put into the mash ups was really surprising and somewhat incredible. When it gets down to a word-by-word remix, you know that took a ton of thought and a ton of creativity, which I highly respect. I would argue that this amount of planning and creativity could constitute an original piece of work. Aaand I'm gonna watch it again. Good pick.

Susan Liv Hedlund said...

At first, I thought it was just a combination of songs, but after watching it I feel like DJ Earworm should get credit for making an original creation. He took so many songs, but made them all flow perfectly. The fact that he could make a remix using Taylor Swift, Rihanna, and Jason Mraz, and also make it sound good, is incredible.

Verbal said...

I love DJ Earworm's remixes. The way he puts these songs together is an art. Therefore it's his own original creation. You can't just put individual songs together and produce and decent sounding remix. You have you use creativity and figure out what sounds good and goes together. I would say this is an original creation. He's done this for 2008 and 2007 as well. I like 2008 the best so if you liked this i would check those out.

Hannah said...

First of all, I think this was a really really good "remix" if you could even call it that. The pieces of the songs that he used were so small that they were no longer lyrics to a certain song, but just words to fill into the beat, and therefore it was like he was making his own entire song with his own lyrics. I would see this as a completely different song. If I didn't have the videos of the actual artists singing the lyrics, I probably wouldn't have been able to distinguish as well when the song changed to a different artist because it flowed together so well.

Nick said...

Despite the fact that it's seamlessly put together, I think people still consider it a mashup, considering that's the novelty of the song to begin with.

Olivia Stanley said...

When I first heard this song a few months ago I couldnt't believe I actually liked it. I hate all of those songs on the mash-up, but I thought that it was really creative the way they were all put together. I would say it is original. The amount of time and effort put into creating that must be unbelieveable.

megan said...

I agree with Nick that people still consider it a mashup, because that's what it is. But it is a mashup that deserves credit for being a good one! Its definitely put together extremely well, and there was obviously a lot of time put into it. DJ Earwork deserves credit for being a talented mashup artist.

Caroline W said...

Even though I am usually not a big fan or mash-ups, I think this one is definitely worth listening to! Like some of you stated earlier, DJ Earworm must have put a lot more thought and energy into creating a piece that would fit together the way it did and still have a huge variety of artists and music genres in it.

I think most people would consider it a whole new creation just in the fact that he picked apart bits and pieces of songs and merged them together in making this brand new video/song.

Unknown said...

I personally would consider this a mashup. It is a great video and does a great job of jumping from song to song and still keeping the same feel throughout. The DJ did a great job and it must have taken a lot of time for him to make this.

Nilav Ranpara said...

This was an extremely enjoyable video/song. The flow, transition and effectiveness of the mash-ups was amazing. Considering how many songs were involved, you have to give DJ Earworm the credit for creating such a great musical piece that feels like an entirely different song rather than a remix. Because of the amount of songs and the different number of artists, most people would consider this song as an original creation. No wonder why it has 30 million hits on YouTube!

Unknown said...

I would say that this son is technically a remix, because it uses a combination of songs. Although, it is also an original creation. DJ Earworm put the songs together in a creative way, making it flow and song like an ordinary song. If someone had not heard any of the original songs, I think there would be no question that this is just another song that you would hear on someone's ipod. The dj even creates a sort of chorus, which I think makes it all the more original.

Jbert said...

I just fell in love with this video:) I have never heard it before so this was definitely exciting. I would, also, call it a "mashup" but there's no doubt that DJ Earworm has extreme talent and should be given credit for it. I love how he created a hit song with segments from different artists.. from Taylor Swift to Drake to Kings of Leon. His video's transitions and the song's chorus are also well thoughtout and you can tell it took alot of effort. I can definitely see why this video recieved 30,000,000 views!

I'm also listening to some of his other songs as I type this and they are just as good! I definitely recommend.. :)

Anonymous said...

The video was very well made. The time and effort must have been extensive. I would say this is a mash-up. I don't know if I can use "original", I think "creative" would be a better word. Original, to me can only be something that has come from nothing. The DJ had a very creative way of putting all the video and music together. The seamless way each fit with the next, was fantastic. The person defiantly has talent with editing of music and video.
The song to me felt more like a Black eyed peas and Lady Gaga tribute. To me I saw more Black eyed peas and just a little less Lady Gaga, with fill in from other artists. It is a very good mash-up. I would like to see someone do this with Country artists. If one is out there please let me know.

Aleksandra Dobranic said...

This is a very good remix-video. I really liked it beacuse that is a kind of music that I listen to, but a video as a video is well made. It can represent a "comercial" for 2009 pop music, but it is still a remix that could be song for itself. DJ should definitely get a credit for making this, matching one with another songs and making something really distinctive and original.

emahnke said...
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Nick Eastman said...

I also thoroughly enjoyed this video, as well as its use of remix. I have personally always viewed videos like this one as a separate song, rather than a compilation of songs. I believe that taking apart songs and reconfiguring them in a new way makes the final product an original work. The manner in which the song is created is more important when asking the question of originality, rather than the actual composition of the music.

briewillits said...

incredible. i don't have the audacity to critique this because of how much this blows me away. Maybe it's because I love music so much, but this is absolutely the best "remix" or mashup I've heard. Thank you DJ Earworm.

Greg said...

I suppose I can see both sides of the "mashup vs. new work" arguement. By its seemingly common definition, it would be a mashup all the way, but based on how intricate and well thought out and designed this is, you could almost consider it to be a completely new piece of work. I was really impressed with it, and cant wait to hear the one for this year!

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