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Group 5 - The Evolution of Dance

Evolution of Dance By Judson Laipply

This video shows how Judson Laipply dances with his own style to songs from the past to current hits. It is basically a remix of dance along with a remixed soundtrack of songs. He is remixing some of the different types of dances that people may do at social events such as homecomings, proms, etc. These diverse dance styles are great in showing some of the unique qualities of American culture because different styles may go along with different cultural changes and differences.

Do you feel that it is a 'remix within a remix'? Why do you think that dance styles have become remixed from the past to now? He also has a new updated version called Evolution of Dance 2.

Evolution of Dance 2

Do you notice some differences and similarities in his dancing styles between the 2 videos? Do most of the commenters on both videos seem to appreciate his creative style?


Maria Thomas said...

I can understand why some would see this as a remix within a remix, but i would see it as one big remix, as it puts several songs together, then is matched with the corresponding dance moves. I thought he did a good job of covering almost all of the songs that are heard at high school dances, weddings, etc. It was also very relatable to the evolution of rap done by jimmy fallon and justin timberlake. It was interesting to see the more recent songs done in the evolution of dance 2 because we got to see the songs/dances that Judson thought would stand out 10 years from now.

Anonymous said...

The way he mixed the songs and the dance, together to me, it almost make it original. He is the only one that I have seen do a mix like that. You could call it a double remix. The way he was able to mix the songs and the dance together was very well thought out. If you notice he would be in one position after finishing a dance and he would not have to reposition his body he would go straight into his next dance. Using the songs and the dances of the artists, would that be a double copy right infringement? Can dances even be copy written?

Verbal said...

I enjoy both of these a great deal. I love getting taken through the history of music as well as the history of dance. I would say that this is just one remix, not so much a remix within a remix. The music and the dancing complement each other. The comments seem to all prefer the first one over the second one and I would agree. The first one in my opinion has better song selection and better dances to go along with those songs. The dances in the first one seemed to me to be more easily recognized. Interesting idea on the copy right of dances. I don't think you can do that though, but it would be a funny idea.

Susan Liv Hedlund said...

Both the Evolution of Dance and the Evolution of Dance 2 were very entertaining. I don't think it is really a remix within a remix, but I would say that it is definitely a very original remix. He picked good songs and dances that most people recognize, and his transitions between songs were completely smooth.

Unknown said...

Although it is hard to tell because there are SO many comments for the first one, it seems like people liked the second one better. The comments on the first video are very scattered. Some people love it, hate it, think its okay, and some comments don't even have anything to do with the video. With 482,150 comments, I think it would be hard to get a good idea if people really appreciate his creative style. To me, I think he did an excellent job. His transitions from song and dance to the next song and dance were amazing; very creative. I think dance styles evolve because someone is always looking for something new, something to make them stand out. If everyone danced the same way all the time, it would be so boring and it wouldn't have the entertaining quality that it has today.

Shelby Sampson said...

I thought both videos were really well done and really funny. The first one was definitely my favorite, I felt like there was more variety and it was extremely well put together. As Rick said, I also noticed how he would position the end of one dance to be the beginning of the next. It was very well done. I would have to say that this is one big remix, because he really did do something that's completely unique, with both the music and the dancing, it's just a good combination of the two. I found it hard to decide if people appreciated the first one more or just made fun of it more. I felt like there were a lot of people who said it was stupid but they're the ones that watch garbage all day and think it's hilarious.

Yu said...

I think it is a remix within a remix. All the songs and dance remix together to form a new show. But I do not think this is a new dance style. Because he just puts some different kinds of dance together. What he is doing is like an entertainment that makes a review of some popular songs and dance. I know lots of people love it,like my roommate, while she was watching this video, she was dancing with Judson.

DD33 said...

I thought both videos were well done and the guy dancing does a good job. I thought the first video was a bit better than the second. I'm not sure if this falls into the category of remixing because they are doing dances that have already been done before. They are not putting a different spin or flavor to them.

Aleksandra Dobranic said...

I really loved this video, it's funny but really good too. I think it a remix within a remix, he puts all different kinds of songs together, different types of music and different age of songs, and has original dance for each song. Both videos are pretty similar, maybe new vesion is kind of an update, but it still has many older songs too. I would say that first video is more fun, but both are really good.

Unknown said...

I have seen both of these videos before. I think the way he syncronizes the music with his dance is great. He almost makes it his own. This can be considered a remix within a remix I guess considering he is doing it to his own. Overall I think nothing can beat the original, but he did a great job none the less with the second video.

Nilav Ranpara said...

This is a very exclusive video that portrays the history/evolution of dance. I do not think its a remix within a remix. It appears to be one remixed innovative video. The dance gels amazingly well with the music in both videos. Dances in the first video are easy to recognize and to relate with. People seem to have liked the first one better, but in my personal opinion, I feel both the videos are extremely innovative and enjoyable.

Nick said...

I think it's kind of vaguely a remix. He didn't really put the songs to new use, he just played a small sample of a song, did the corresponding dance bit, and moved on.

Olivia Stanley said...

I would say its a remix, not a remix in a reminx. I agree with Nick though- he didn't really do much new, he just was playing a sample from each song. But he compiled them all well and made smooth transitions into each new dance and song. Both are interesting and get to take you through the history of dance and music, which is always interesting.

Eric Goodrich said...

I feel like this song and dance is still a remix even though the dances may not have strayed from the original dances that much. Even though everyone has their own definition of remix, there are still way more unoriginal and poor quality pieces of work that are still somehow called remix. I overall liked the pieces and would call them remixes

Greg said...

Interstingly enough, I was there when the original "evolution of dance" was filmed, which was downtown here in Columbus. It was pretty funny then and now that I've seen the second one its even funnier. I would only consider this as a Remix in itself, not one inside another. Either way its great.

Hannah said...

I think that this is a remix in general, not a remix within a remix, because whether or not he is changing the actual style of how he is dancing, it is his own interpretation and is therefore a remix. The fact that he put it together himself makes it a remix. Also the song is a remix because it's a collaberation of multiple songs. I think it's just a plain remix though, I don't know where the term remix within remix came from.

megan said...

I think this is a good example of a remix that has been put to good use for good entertainment. I think it's safe to say that most people enjoyed the video, and that's the whole point. The guy did very well with his transitions and a good job of song choices and dances, putting together a well-done remix.

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