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Group 4: What make a good remix? video #3

What makes a good remix? What is the distinction between a remix and remake? The Glee version deviated less from the original Rocky Horror clip, then the Drew Carey. Which is more creative? Which pays more respect to the original?


megan said...

Well, I've never seen Glee or the Rocky Horror clip so this is fairly hard for me to relate to. The Glee one seemed pretty creative--I liked it. I cant really comment on which pays more respect to the original because I haven't seen the original.

Verbal said...

I love the song "Time Warp." The actual song in the Drew Carey show is less different than Rocky Horror, I think the soundtrack is just being played. Whereas, Glee's version put there own little pop spin on the music. The Drew Carey clip cracks me up though. I feel like any remake though is a sort of remix. It's impossible to completely reproduce something without changing it all. So i could be very similar but it's at least a little remixed. And Rocky Horror won that dance off.

Shelby Sampson said...

I've never seen The Rocky Horror Picture Show, much to my dad's dislike, and I also don't watch Glee. However, from what I can see, I would say Glee's remix is a little more accurate and pays more respect to the original. They try to stick more closely to the original as far as costumes and setting go, whereas the Drew Carey one is very tailored to fit into the show. With that being said, I think the Drew Carey one was also more creative just because they had to fit it into the background of the show.

Nilav Ranpara said...

I feel like a good remix is something that alters the beats and chords of the base song and converts it into something different while maintaining the identity of the original song. The Glee version did a good job in retaining the key components of the original song while altering the music to a certain extent. However the Drew Carey clip is hilarious and intuitive. So I think the Glee version does not depart from the original song and hence is a good remix. The Drew Carey clip however is more creative than the Glee version

Unknown said...

Drew Carey is hilarious, I think he did great in this video. I have not seen the original Rocky Horror Film so i can not determine which one nis better but the glee version is very good as well. As for a good remix, I feel it is just twisting something to make it your own.

Susan Liv Hedlund said...

I have never seen the original Rocky Horror, so it is hard for me to compare them. After watching these three clips though, I liked the Drew Carey version better than Glee's. In Glee, it was more of just a duplication of the original, whereas on the Drew Carey show, they completely remixed it into their own. I think Drew Carey's was more creative and original.

Caroline W said...

I have never seen the original Rocky Horror show so only had the video clip from Youtube to rely on. However in viewing the three different variations, I more thoroughly enjoyed watching the Drew Carey show version. They created a seen that was more of a 'flash mob' effect in the middle of the street near the movie theater. To me, that seems more original and creative than the Glee version where they continuously make remixes of different songs on the show.

Maria Thomas said...

I agree with what Shelby said about how the Drew Carey remix had to fit the content of the show. I think that's a factor in what makes a remix popular: who the audience is. To the general population, something might not be very popular, but it could be extremely popular with just the group the remix was intended for. So to determine popularity, you need to determine who the audience is first.

Yu said...

I think the Glee show pays more respect to the orginal one, but Drew Carey show is more creative. In Drew Carey show, it changes the method of performing two different songs and remixing them together. Like Maria said,whether the vido is popular, it depends on the audiences. Like me, I like modern elements. So Glee show is better than Drew Carey, I think.

Jbert said...

I also have never seen Glee or the Rocky Horror show but, having seen these three clips, I would have to say that Glee's version definetly pays more respect to the original. It was basically a "remake." On the other hand, I think that Drew Carey's version is more creative and be considered more as a "remix." By my, not so great, personal definition, I think that a "remix" must be noticeably altered. And that change was there in Drew Carey, no doubt. :)

JEB said...

I think that in terms of quality, Glee did a really good job remixing the original. But the Drew Carey clip is hilarious and I think much more entertaining, although none can compare to the original which is so perfectly bizarre.

Brian Dunn said...

I have never seen the rocky horror show, glee, or the drew carey show. That said from what I saw in the videos both remixes were creative. The glee tried to stick more to the original while putting their own twist in it but the drew carey remix was more creative in that they used the song in a new context of the dance battle. Both were entertaining and funny and good examples of remix.

Aleksandra Dobranic said...

I have never seen any of those shows, but all of these videos are pretty good. I really liked the Drew Carey Time Warp, it's really fun video and to me it was the most creative one to me. I'm not really sure which one is the closest to original, because i've never seen it.

Unknown said...

I haven't seen any of the three clips before. I do think that the Glee remix pays more respect to the original. The costumes are more similar, as well as the whole scene. Whereas the Drew Carey clip added their own "spin" to it to make it fit into the show better. The Drew Carey clip would have to be more creative because it does deviate more from the original, which means it took extra thought, work, and time to create it, rather than just replicate it. A good remix is fun, more creative, but yet still pays tribute to the original.

Eric Goodrich said...

I feel like the fact that the Drew Carey video is viewed as more creative due to the fact that I think it deviated more from the original. I enjoyed the Glee one though because it didn't deviate as much from the original

briewillits said...

The definition of remix is all subjective, and saying which remix is better is just an opinion also. I don't think we can make factual claims as to which remix is more creative because we have no actual criteria to base it on. That's just an opinion also however.

Greg said...
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Greg said...

I'm really surprised to see so many people haven't ever seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I suggest you find a midnight screening at the Gateway at some point and go - it will change your life (for better or worse). As far as this clip goes, its pretty humorous, especially with Drew Carey in it. I agree with some of the earlier comments that this video was formatted to fit within the style of the show, as opposed to the movie. The Glee version seems to fit the style of every other thing Glee has ever done, coming from someone who is more than tired of hearing that verison of "Don't Stop Believing"

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