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Greyson Chance: Real or Fake?

Is Greyson Chance the new Justin Bieber? Doubtful. This overnight sensation was supposedly discovered on Youtbe, but some are asking if he’s a fake. Is he really the amateur he’s made out to be, or was the original video just set up to look like an amateur one?

Watch, “Is Greyson Chance manufactured?” first, then Greyson singing on Ellen and, most importantly, the original of him singing at his school talent show. What do you think?

The Original

On Ellen


Anonymous said...

The kid does have talent. In the interview with Ellen, he is well spoken. Does not seem overly nervious. I would not have picked that song. I am suspicious about how at ease he seems. It would not be the first time a record company tried to pull a fast one. If this kid is for real, I hope he doesn't become a prick like Justin Biebers.

Shelby Sampson said...

Also, can we believe "the expert?" And do you think it's ok for record companies to do this? is it just a good marketing strategy or do you disagree with this tactic?

Verbal said...

I think Chance's rendition of Lady GaGa's Paparazzi was excellent. Chance seems to be very talented. I don't really understand the argument about whether or not this is real or not considering he preformed on Ellen. The comments for the most part believe that the kid's talent is real. The original video seems like it could be altered because I think he sounds better on the original then he does on Ellen. However, there is no way to tell whether or not the original is altered or not. The main argument seems to be whether or not he's better then Justin Bieber or not. It doesn't matter just let Chance be himself.

Unknown said...

"I don't really understand the argument about whether or not this is real or not considering he preformed on Ellen."

I just want to bring up the point that James Frey, author of "A Million Little Pieces" was interviewed on Oprah, even though parts of the book were fake. Is Ellen a reliable source of credibility?

Susan Liv Hedlund said...

I think that if the record companies did do this, it is good marketing on their part. However, that does not make it right. It is sad that we can no longer see a talented kid perform and not just accept that talent. Everything has to be overanalyzed by "experts." Whether or not it was put together by a record company, Greyson Chance is very talented, which should be all that matters.

Brian Dunn said...

I think the argument of whether or not he is an amateur or professional is pointless. Regardless of if the video was a "false amateur video" the kid is a talented singer and performer. Isn't that the point of being professional is that you're talented? If the video was faked it was just a brilliant marketing strategy by the record company and i give them props for it. His performance on Ellen proved that his talent was for sure real but I hope he learns to sing more then just lady gaga.

Jbert said...

While watching the first two videos, I can honestly say that it didn't even cross my mind that Grayson was a fake. I agree with Brian on the idea that the amateur v. professional arguement is ridiculous. Who cares? Justin Bieber got big over Youtube, so why is it so taboo (or controversial?) that this kid could do the same? I think that expert is just over-analyzing this kid. Chance has proven that he has some kind of talent so fans just need to enjoy it... which is what most of the commenters seem to say. The majority seems to like it and thinks he's better than JB.

JEB said...

Whether or not it's an amateur video or not doesn't bother me at all. If I were to guess I would bet it's a marketing ploy, but so long as his talent is legitimate, I think he should be praised for his ability. The thing that gets me is if they were going to put this much effort into a youtube video for promotion, why not give the kid a decent haircut?

Nick Eastman said...

I do too believe that the audio in this video was produced in some way. I would find it interesting if this ended up being a marketing technique. Its almost as though that if the video was to have been professionally produced, all evidence pointing to its production value was deliberately hidden. Does this mean that people would prefer to discover an artist singing in a school talent show as opposed one that has already been picked up by a record company? If this video was actually produced, then those that market to us seem to think so.

Caroline W said...

This video could potentially be the boy performing at his own liberty in order to get his name out there so that he could possibly become the next Justin Bieber. Although it is more likely that a larger record company was using him for a marketing scheme, the chances that the boy is actually singing on his own is likely as he was on live television on Ellen.

Many viewers and commenters seem to believe that it is actually Greyson singing and that he has great talent and potential. However, just because the videos were posted onto Youtube does not necessarily make them credible to the point where the boy was actually performing at his own will and with the talent that seems to be displayed.

Yu said...

I do not understand why this can be a issue. Like the man said in the video, if fans love it, who cares about how this video come out. This is just a entertainment. In my opinion, I like the way Greyson Chance sings. It's good, he has the talent. He did a great show even if it was fake. Not anyone can do that, right? Why do people think too much instead of just enjoying it?

Nilav Ranpara said...

Why is something that is overtly popular always under the scanner for legitimacy? The kid does seem to be talented for someone who is just 13.The fact that he rose to fame over a viral video does not at all call for a social media expert's opinion. If he is good at what he does, let him be! His performance on Ellen shows that the kid has some real good talent.

Greg said...

I have to agree with what Brian said. The whole argument over amateur vs. profession is irrelevant because of his clear talent, but can you really even call a 13 year old a professional singer? I guess in an age where anyone can put anything on Youtube and say its real some things may be harder than others to find their legitimacy, but as far as I'm concerned as long as he moves away from Lady Gaga songs he's gonna do just fine

Maria Thomas said...

Well, he's already got Bieber's hair. I remember seeing this when Greyson was originally on Ellen and thinking he has amazing talent. But its a little odd to go back to this now and evaluate if this is real or not. I found it funny when they brought in the expert in social media (who would've thought we needed an expert on that?). If it was fake and was all staged by an expert production team, then it seems like Greyson would've eventually become famous, it just happens to be that Ellen Degeneres helped him with his "big break".

briewillits said...

I could care less whether it is fake or not. The boy has talent, end of story. Isn't that the point anyways? Greyson is an amazing singer, and people are spreading around his video. I say good for him.

Nick said...

If it's real or fake doesn't concern me. Either way it wouldn't have an impact on how I view it. If you found it entertaining, great. If you didn't then no harm I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

Aleksandra Dobranic said...

I wouldn't say that it's fake. I mean, we can't know for sure, but I thought that his performance was pretty impressive. Even if he is "next Justin Bieber" I wouldn't mind it, because if he does what he loves and he's good at it, then good luck to him.

DD33 said...

I have no reason to believe it is a fake. I thought it was pretty impressive but the hair flip was extremely annoying. I think maybe he should prove he is not a fake by performing a variety of songs. Best of luck to him in the future.

Unknown said...

I believe it is irrelevant whether the video is done by an amateur or not. He has talent, and if people want to watch him they are going to. People want to get famous, and he is doing what he has to do to get there. But as for him being the next Justin Bieber, I hope there isn't another one, the first one is terrible as is.

Olivia Stanley said...

I don't think its fake. And I don't think it even matters if it is or isn't. And it doesn't matter if you like it or not. If you like it thats awesome, but if not thats fine too. I think that if he's using his talents to try to get famous, there is no harm in that.

Eric Goodrich said...

I think its real. I feel like every little boy should have the chance to become the next little Justin Bieber. I just hope he gets recognized if he's really that good.

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