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Group 4: What make a good remix? video #3

What makes a good remix? What is the distinction between a remix and remake? The Glee version deviated less from the original Rocky Horror clip, then the Drew Carey. Which is more creative? Which pays more respect to the original?

Group 4: What make a good remix? video #2

Group 4: What make a good remix? video #1

Greyson Chance: Real or Fake?

Is Greyson Chance the new Justin Bieber? Doubtful. This overnight sensation was supposedly discovered on Youtbe, but some are asking if he’s a fake. Is he really the amateur he’s made out to be, or was the original video just set up to look like an amateur one?

Watch, “Is Greyson Chance manufactured?” first, then Greyson singing on Ellen and, most importantly, the original of him singing at his school talent show. What do you think?

The Original

On Ellen

Remix Post Group 2: A History of Rap

This youtube video is a selection from "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" where Justin Timberlake, Jimmy Fallon, and The Roots take us through the evolution of rap. The preform a medley of rap songs beginning with The Sugarhill Gang all the way to Jay-Z.

Things to think about: What audience does this video appeal to? What audience do the commenters think it appeals too? What implications does this have for the society's view of rap? How is race involved in what the commenters feel? What type of people are the commenters? What disagreements and arguments are seen in the comments? Does mirroring the image on youtube a valid and legitimate way to avoid copyright?

Remix Post Group 1
This remix takes the original video of a girl who claims the H1N1 flu shot caused her to have difficulties walking and talking, and adds the simple touch of Unk's hit song Walk It Out. The remix transforms a depressing interview into a hilarious video. She's thought to have been faking the symptoms and is now "cured."